

file out:出ていく

Defending Jacob.83%読了 ”An educated guess, yes."educated guess (知識、経験に基づく)推測 HIs job here was to say as little as possible, to pare away every extra word.pare away:削り取るpare:a(ナイフで)〈果物・ジャガイモなどの〉皮をむく 《…

to the effect : ~という旨の

"Defending Jacob"より 70%読了。 In hindsight I hear how ridiculous I must have sounded.In hindsight:後からふりかえってみると We parents often talk with ridiculous bravado when it comes to our kids.bravado:空威張り We were in no shape for b…


「Defending Jacob」ヨリ Judges were ostensibly assigned to trials at random.osstensibly:表向き He was never bombastic;bombastic:おおげさ Jonathan sat besides us, unfazed by the delay.unfazed 【形】恐れない、臆しない、平然とした Poised on that…

go out of one's way to:わざわざ[無理してまで]~する

Online gaming addiction has become the fastest-growing form of addiction in the 21st century, and it’s the most vulnerable people — children — who mainly fall prey to its psychoactive effects, Higuchi says. fall prey to ... :...のえじき[犠…

Don't give me attitude! 偉そうにするな!

50%まで読みました。Defending Jacob。 She wore black spandex leggings and an oversized T-shirt with an equally oversized message stamped across the front:Don't Give Me Attitude, I Have One of My Own. give someone attitude:(人)に対して反…


www.japantimes.co.jp Japan's health ministry approves world's first trials for using iPS cells to treat corneal disease corneal:角膜の The world’s first clinical study using iPS cells was conducted in 2014 by the government-backed Riken in…

I know where you're coming from.; I understand where you're coming from.

小説Defending Jacobより。 Andy, I understand where you are coming from. Just let her finish, then you'll have a turn, all right? 意味:あなたの言いたいことはわかります。あなたの気持ちはわかります。 ※「私はあなたがどこから来ているのか知って…

corporal punishment:体罰

体罰ってcorporal punishmentというのかー・・・ In wake of tragic cases, Japan set to ban corporal punishment of children by parents corporal punishment:体罰 corporal:身体の The Cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe aims to approve the revis…


www.japantimes.co.jp The 37-year-old coffee stall worker’s father hails from a riverbank community in Fukuoka Prefecture that is known as a buraku, a term meaning “hamlet” used to describe areas inhabited by descendants of outcasts from th…

a stretch:盛ってる

a stretch:盛ってるgain traction:勢いを増す www.japantimes.co.jp


In Anlong Pi, a village on the outskirts of famous tourist destination Siem Reap in northwestern Cambodia, a group of women gather each day to peel bark from 3-meter-long sections of banana tree trunks. bark:樹皮 To locals, Kumae serves as…

intrinsic :本質的な

On a recent bus trip in Indonesia, I struck up a conversation with the man sitting next to me who told me he was Malaysian but living in Australia, which prompted me to admit that I was American but living in Japan. strike up a conversatio…


Colleges named in Japan tabloid's list of schools with 'easy girls' condemn article as misogynisticmisogynistic:女性憎悪[蔑視・差別]の The fallout over an article in a tabloid magazine ranking colleges according to the promiscuity of the…


この単語を見るのは多分初めてだと思う。。(汗 envisage:心に描く、(…を)想像する、把握する On the heels of a year marked by natural disasters , the Tokyo Metropolitan Government hosted a disaster drill Wednesday in Setagaya Ward to prepare fo…


NEW DELHI - Delhi plans to create a special home for both elderly people and some of the city’s thousands of cows, in a new animal welfare blitz also aimed at reducing numbers of monkeys and stray dogs. blitz:猛爆、集中的な取り組み; . Rum…


ゴーンさん、有罪なんだろうか。。 Dressed in a dark navy blue suit, a haggard-looking Ghosn — handcuffed and with a rope tied around his waist — entered the courtroom at about 10:30 a.m. haggard-looking :やつれた Listed firms are required t…


In the latest headline-grabbing move by Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa, the founder and CEO of major online fashion mall operator Zozo Inc. has announced a plan to dole out ¥1 million to 100 individuals to mark a successful New Year’s…


今年度の勤務もあと二日のみ・・・ Prince Akishino proposed using existing hall to cut costs of key Imperial succession rite in 2016rite:儀式 The prince shared the idea with then Imperial Household Agency Grand Steward Noriyuki Kazaoka, expr…


クリスマスもおわりましたな・・・ www.japantimes.co.jp When TV celebrity Miki Yakata was told she would need chemotherapy after undergoing a mastectomy in April, she realized she would have to buy a wig.mastectomy:乳腺切除 She looked at wig…

lash out:暴言を吐く

益々寒くなるこの頃・・・ tucked away : 隠れている Sporting wavy, black hair and a bright smile, 45-year-old Ami Takahashi weaves her way through the room. sport:見せびらかす Takahashi herself had a strained relationship with her father, wh…


HUAWEI(ファーウェイ)は携帯電話、タブレット、ウェアラブル、モバイルブロードバンドデバイスおよび家庭用デバイスなど幅広い製品を提供している会社。 “My people on the ground in China say that Huawei is turned upside down internally,” Ogasawara…


そういえば、第一子を妊娠するまえに受けに行ったような気がする、念のため。 1979一月生まれなり。 rubella:風疹 If unborn babies are infected with rubella through their mothers in the early stages of pregnancy, they can suffer birth defects suc…


子供を虐待死させた船戸雄大容疑者、同じ目にあわしたいなー Japanese volunteers spring to action after fatal child abuse casespring to : かけつける Reports said she weighed around 12 kg at the time of her death — as much as an average 2-year-…


JAPANTIMESを定期購読しようかと考え中。 月900円。これは安いのだろうか。 良質の英語で書かれている英字新聞の精読は読解力向上に大いにつながるけど 帰宅すると、子供の世話があるので、英字新聞の精読はまず無理。 となると、仕事中、空いた時間をみつけ…


ECONOMIST、購読してないため週に3記事しかよめないんだよなぁ。。 どなたか良質な英語を読めるオンライン新聞、しかも、制限あまりなく、をしってはったらぜひ教えてください! People are spending ever more of their lives drawing on public funds, inc…

Meet Dave

会社の昼休みにMEET DAVEという映画をみてみた。20分くらい。字幕をなるべくみないように。たまには映画を英語でみるのもいいな。明日もやってみよ。 The survey, which allowed multiple answers, found 69 percent of such cases involved enclosing a pat…


やっぱり、ちゃんと毎日読解(かっちりした英字新聞がベター)をしていないと、 というか毎日どころか、私みたいに数か月勉強ちゃんとしていないと、覚えたはずの単語などを忘れてしまいます。(涙 取り戻さなければ・・・ 忘れた、もあるけど、あやふやにな…


小児期崩壊性障害とは、折れ線型自閉症と似ているが、発症の時期がそれよりも遅い。少なくとも2年間の年齢相応な正常発達の後に出現する障害で、それまでに得た能力(とりわけ言語)を失っていく。ヘラー症候群ともいう。 Abstract:摘要 motor skills:運動…


長らくちゃんと英字新聞を読んでないので、まずリハビリ。 今日はNIKKEI ASIAN REVIEWより。 About three-quarters of the respondents said immigrants currently in Japan want to assimilateassimilate: 同化する emigration : 国外への移住immigration :…


子育て仕事家事で勉強する時間がないのは確かだが、グダグダ言ってないで、早くもう一度英検1級に合格するため、TOEICも特化勉強なく990をとるための千里の道の一歩一歩を記録する。ブログかくとなれば続くと思う。。多分。。。11/13本日の記事:Don’t worry…