



というか毎日どころか、私みたいに数か月勉強ちゃんとしていないと、覚えたはずの単語などを忘れてしまいます。(涙 取り戻さなければ・・・


Japanese firms are hosting events, providing more options for office locations outside of the capital and offering more perks for foreign workers, including language lessons and support to make settling in a faraway country easier.

“I want to work at Mercari in the future,” said Zhou, adding that the company’s corporate culture, working environment - as well as the pay - were among the most enticing features.
enticing: 魅力的な


Banthia joined Mercari in March, hoping to see firsthand how a rising startup expands.
firsthand :直に


But having worked at Google and Twitter as an engineer himself, Miyota touted Line’s benefits, including language lessons for foreign and Japanese employees.

Next year, Rakuten is planning to enter the highly competitive mobile-phone carrier business, going toe-to-toe with Japan’s three giants: NTT Docomo Inc., KDDI Corp. and SoftBank Corp.
go toe-to-toe with

Currently about 80 percent of incoming engineers hail from overseas.
hail : 自動詞 くる (国元からでてくる)


Although large IT companies may have the resources and know-how to recruit and nab talented engineers from abroad, doing so can be tough for small and midsize companies.