

go out of one's way to:わざわざ[無理してまで]~する


Online gaming addiction has become the fastest-growing form of addiction in the 21st century, and it’s the most vulnerable people — children — who mainly fall prey to its psychoactive effects, Higuchi says.
fall prey to ... :...のえじき[犠牲]になる


As head of the Kurihama Medical and Addiction Center in Kanagawa Prefecture, which started the country’s first program for internet addition in 2011, Higuchi is rolling up his sleeves to tackle a scourge that has eaten into the vitals of our society.



But Higuchi, who also runs the country’s largest treatment facility for alcoholism, said there is no denying that video game dependency is real.
There's no denying .... :...は否定できない。...は紛れもない事実だ。


 By calling on Japan, home to gaming giants like Nintendo and Sony, to take drastic measures to help the country’s youth, Higuchi knows he is up against formidable foes.

up against : 直面して


It’s like playing tag, it’s just a chasing game

play tag:鬼ごっこ


Though he has no personal interest in games, Higuchi goes out of his way to develop his video game literacy so he can speak his patients’ language.
go out of one's way to:わざわざ[無理してまで]~する、~するために尽力する[力を尽くす・ことさら努力する]
・Don't go out of your way to help me finish this. : これは私がするので、わざわざ手伝っ https://blog.hatena.ne.jp/englishkid/englishkid.hatenablog.com/edit?entry=17680117126995376081#てくれなくてもい