


intrinsic :本質的な

On a recent bus trip in Indonesia, I struck up a conversation with the man sitting next to me who told me he was Malaysian but living in Australia, which prompted me to admit that I was American but living in Japan. strike up a conversatio…


Colleges named in Japan tabloid's list of schools with 'easy girls' condemn article as misogynisticmisogynistic:女性憎悪[蔑視・差別]の The fallout over an article in a tabloid magazine ranking colleges according to the promiscuity of the…


この単語を見るのは多分初めてだと思う。。(汗 envisage:心に描く、(…を)想像する、把握する On the heels of a year marked by natural disasters , the Tokyo Metropolitan Government hosted a disaster drill Wednesday in Setagaya Ward to prepare fo…


NEW DELHI - Delhi plans to create a special home for both elderly people and some of the city’s thousands of cows, in a new animal welfare blitz also aimed at reducing numbers of monkeys and stray dogs. blitz:猛爆、集中的な取り組み; . Rum…


ゴーンさん、有罪なんだろうか。。 Dressed in a dark navy blue suit, a haggard-looking Ghosn — handcuffed and with a rope tied around his waist — entered the courtroom at about 10:30 a.m. haggard-looking :やつれた Listed firms are required t…


In the latest headline-grabbing move by Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa, the founder and CEO of major online fashion mall operator Zozo Inc. has announced a plan to dole out ¥1 million to 100 individuals to mark a successful New Year’s…