

file out:出ていく

Defending Jacob.83%読了


”An educated guess, yes."
educated guess (知識、経験に基づく)推測

HIs job here was to say as little as possible, to pare away every extra word.
pare away:削り取る
pare:a(ナイフで)〈果物・ジャガイモなどの〉皮をむく 《★【類語】 peel はオレンジ・バナナなどの皮を手でむく》.

Detective Duffy, you say you have no reservations at all about the way Andrew Barber conducted this case?
have no reservations about:~に対する不安[危ぐ・ためらい]は何もない

The jury filed out, exchanging looks with each other.
file out:でていく

To deflect any inference of guilt from the actual knife he owned?

The driver relented, though.

"hi"Jacob said, constrained by manners and habit from expressing any sense of anger or betrayal.
constrain〈人に〉強いて[無理に]〈…〉させる 〈to do〉《★しばしば受身で用いる》.
My conscience constrained me to apologize to him. 良心の呵責(かしやく)に堪えかねて彼に謝罪した.

Must be somebody who's got a geef with Jacob.
have a beef with 〈俗〉~に文句[不満・苦情]がある -