

file out:出ていく

Defending Jacob.83%読了


”An educated guess, yes."
educated guess (知識、経験に基づく)推測

HIs job here was to say as little as possible, to pare away every extra word.
pare away:削り取る
pare:a(ナイフで)〈果物・ジャガイモなどの〉皮をむく 《★【類語】 peel はオレンジ・バナナなどの皮を手でむく》.

Detective Duffy, you say you have no reservations at all about the way Andrew Barber conducted this case?
have no reservations about:~に対する不安[危ぐ・ためらい]は何もない

The jury filed out, exchanging looks with each other.
file out:でていく

To deflect any inference of guilt from the actual knife he owned?

The driver relented, though.

"hi"Jacob said, constrained by manners and habit from expressing any sense of anger or betrayal.
constrain〈人に〉強いて[無理に]〈…〉させる 〈to do〉《★しばしば受身で用いる》.
My conscience constrained me to apologize to him. 良心の呵責(かしやく)に堪えかねて彼に謝罪した.

Must be somebody who's got a geef with Jacob.
have a beef with 〈俗〉~に文句[不満・苦情]がある -

to the effect : ~という旨の

"Defending Jacob"より



In hindsight I hear how ridiculous I must have sounded.
In hindsight:後からふりかえってみると

We parents often talk with ridiculous bravado when it comes to our kids.

We were in no shape for bad news.
in no shape for :~の気分ではない
in no shape to 《be ~》~したい気分ではない・I'm in no shape to talk. : 話したい気分ではありません

There is evidence of atypical attachment as an infant.

You've reported that as a cdhild he seemed guarded and hypervigilant at times, or erratic and prone to excessive anger and lashing out at other times.
lash out:(人)を暴力で攻撃する


She flailed her hands, batting mine away.

Evidence developed against the defendant to the effect that he had a knife consistent with t he wounds.
to the effect : ~という旨の



 「Defending Jacob」ヨリ

Judges were ostensibly assigned to trials at random.


He was never bombastic;


Jonathan sat besides us, unfazed by the delay.
unfazed 【形】恐れない、臆しない、平然とした


Poised on that bench,my wife looked very pale and thin among the specators,
poised: 〔…に〕軽く座って 〔in,on〕.
She was poised on a chair. 彼女はいすに軽く腰をかけていた.


Even worse, now we had the gall to spport the killer;


Andrew Barber would like to enter an apperance in the case on the defendan's behalf.
enter an appearance:顔を出す[のぞかせる]、顔出しする、現れる、登場する、お目見えする、姿を現す、出現する
【表現パターン】make [enter] an appearance

Jonathan and I conferred on each potential juror.
confer:自動詞 on, 打合せする


He is hair was perpetually mussed.


muss:〈髪の毛・服などを〉くしゃくしゃにする,めちゃめちゃにする 〈up〉.

go out of one's way to:わざわざ[無理してまで]~する


Online gaming addiction has become the fastest-growing form of addiction in the 21st century, and it’s the most vulnerable people — children — who mainly fall prey to its psychoactive effects, Higuchi says.
fall prey to ... :...のえじき[犠牲]になる


As head of the Kurihama Medical and Addiction Center in Kanagawa Prefecture, which started the country’s first program for internet addition in 2011, Higuchi is rolling up his sleeves to tackle a scourge that has eaten into the vitals of our society.



But Higuchi, who also runs the country’s largest treatment facility for alcoholism, said there is no denying that video game dependency is real.
There's no denying .... :...は否定できない。...は紛れもない事実だ。


 By calling on Japan, home to gaming giants like Nintendo and Sony, to take drastic measures to help the country’s youth, Higuchi knows he is up against formidable foes.

up against : 直面して


It’s like playing tag, it’s just a chasing game

play tag:鬼ごっこ


Though he has no personal interest in games, Higuchi goes out of his way to develop his video game literacy so he can speak his patients’ language.
go out of one's way to:わざわざ[無理してまで]~する、~するために尽力する[力を尽くす・ことさら努力する]
・Don't go out of your way to help me finish this. : これは私がするので、わざわざ手伝っ https://blog.hatena.ne.jp/englishkid/englishkid.hatenablog.com/edit?entry=17680117126995376081#てくれなくてもい



Don't give me attitude! 偉そうにするな!

50%まで読みました。Defending Jacob。


She wore black spandex leggings and an oversized T-shirt with an equally oversized message stamped across the front:Don't Give Me Attitude, I Have One of My Own.

give someone attitude:(人)に対して反抗的な[偉そう・威張った・高慢な・気取った・突っ張った・不愉快な]態度を取る


The apartment was small and cluttered.


What do you keep haranguing him for?


Then we may want to bring in the genetic evidence as mitigation.
1緩和,鎮静 〔of〕.
2〔刑罰などの〕軽減 〔of〕.


When I first met Derek,he was five years old and still pudgy.


He found this dog, just like, a mutt.


Her face was gaunt.




Japan's health ministry approves world's first trials for using iPS cells to treat corneal disease


The world’s first clinical study using iPS cells was conducted in 2014 by the government-backed Riken institute, transplanting retina cells into a woman with age-related macular degeneration.



Seventy-year-old Yoshitomo Hara now lives in a housing facility, but he is well-versed in strategies to deal with sleeping rough in Tokyo during winter.

Hundreds of homeless people were displaced after fierce clashes with officials, highlighting a prevailing attitude among the authorities that the homeless were nothing more than an embarrassing eyesore.


That contributed to the reduction in numbers that the latest figures attest to, but thousands of people still remain homeless around Japan.
〔…を〕証言[証明]する 〔to〕.

The handwriting expert attested to the genuineness of the signature. 筆跡鑑定家はその署名が本物であることを証明した.

 “Ordinary people would keep me at arm’s length,” says Takashi Owada, a 64-year-old from Fukushima Prefecture 
keep someone at arm's length  (人と)距離を置く

Begging on the streets is technically illegal, but ingrained attitudes render such behavior practically non-existent anyway.
ingrained :染みついた

Now and again you will see some homeless people begging, but they won’t get any money.”
Now and again:折々、たまに

Others collect and sell discarded comic books and magazines, while some make money cleaning up after fireworks displays in the summer months.
fireworks display:花火大会

“I can’t say that I looked good, but I tried to dress up so I could blend in with people as much as possible. People think homeless people are depraved.


I know where you're coming from.; I understand where you're coming from.

 小説Defending Jacobより。

Andy, I understand where you are coming from. Just let her finish, then you'll have a turn, all right?




He was rambunctious.


Jacob was a little boisterous and rough.



He smolders.


People don't generally punch holes in walls.
punch a hole:穴をあける