

corporal punishment:体罰

体罰ってcorporal punishmentというのかー・・・


In wake of tragic cases, Japan set to ban corporal punishment of children by parents

corporal punishment:体罰



The Cabinet of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe aims to approve the revisions in mid-March and enact the legislation during the current Diet session as it looks to strengthen the prevention of child abuse after the recent tragic death of children due to alleged parental mistreatment.
look to do:〜しようと思っている,〜しようとしている


The government aims to clarify in a guideline what kinds of disciplinary acts constitute physical punishment.


As the guideline may contradict the right to discipline guaranteed under the civil law to those with parental authority, the government will discuss whether the civil law will need to be revised.
parental authority:親権




The 37-year-old coffee stall worker’s father hails from a riverbank community in Fukuoka Prefecture that is known as a buraku, a term meaning “hamlet” used to describe areas inhabited by descendants of outcasts from the feudal era.

The sensitive nature of the issue requires Takaiwa to be cautious when discussing her background with others and she generally avoids people who have parochial views.

“Those were different times,” Kamikawa says. “I’ve heard about people who committed suicide over thwarted marriages or chose the path of a yakuza after being denied employment.”

In March 2016, the Yokohama District Court handed down a provisional injunction banning a small publisher and its president from publishing and selling the reprint of a prewar book divulging the details of buraku communities.

The ruling supported a claim filed by the Buraku Liberation League in which it argued that distribution of such a publication would instigate discrimination against burakumin.

Meanwhile, there are YouTube videos posted by those visiting purported buraku communities.
purport:実際はともかく)〈…と〉称する,主張する 〈to do〉.



In Anlong Pi, a village on the outskirts of famous tourist destination Siem Reap in northwestern Cambodia, a group of women gather each day to peel bark from 3-meter-long sections of banana tree trunks.

To locals, Kumae serves as the sole alternative to eking out a living scavenging in a garbage dump.
eke out:かろうじて営む
alternative to:~にかわる手段

 they remain on the fringes of society.
on the fringe of society:社会の片隅で


 “Many people, including journalists, visit those places just to take photos, often forcing the people to look destitute to highlight the poverty, but then they just leave” without offering any solutions. This arrogance causes the villagers pain, he said.


 Not much of a talker and modest about his achievements, Yamase says with contentment that the women to whom he offered help are happy and grateful that they could leave the rubbish dump.
not much of a talker:《be ~》あまりおしゃべりではない、おしゃべりなほうではない、口数が少ない


 “My experience has taught me to think outside the box,

outside the box:既存の枠にとらわれない、独創的な


intrinsic :本質的な

On a recent bus trip in Indonesia, I struck up a conversation with the man sitting next to me who told me he was Malaysian but living in Australia, which prompted me to admit that I was American but living in Japan.

strike up a conversation with :~と会話を始める、~に話し掛ける


This seemed to pique his interest as he next said, “I am very interested to see how Japan deals with its aging problem.”
1(自尊心を傷つけて)〈人を〉怒らせる,憤慨させる 《★しばしば受身で用いる》.I was piqued by her refusal. 彼女に断わられてしゃくにさわった.
2〈人を〉興奮させる; 〈好奇心・興味を〉そそる.

In 2015, Singapore’s population was made up of 13.7 percent senior citizens, but these 65 and overs are predicted to increase to 17.7 percent by 2020 and almost 27 percent by 2030.
make up of:〔種々の部分から〕〈全体を〉構成する


Add to all this lower fertility rates, China’s previous one-child policy and Indonesia’s long-time “Two children are enough” campaign that have resulted in inadvertently tipping the population toward the more senescent.


It’s something so intrinsic and natural to the Japanese that it’s not even considered an aging strategy.
intrinsic :本質的な


Many elderly till their own vegetable gardens well into their 80s and 90s.



 Community support, a sense of camaraderie, and the staving off of loneliness and depression are key for those in their golden years. 


stave off:辛うじて避ける


Much coordinated effort ensures each person has a stake in the community and that each is assured of being a valued member.
have a stake in : ~と利害関係がある、~に関係がある、~


Furusato communities play a decisive role in keeping their venerable citizens out of hospitals and care homes for as long as possible.

In addition, the health department sends care workers to our island twice a week to help the enfeebled with home details.





 Colleges named in Japan tabloid's list of schools with 'easy girls' condemn article as misogynistic

The fallout over an article in a tabloid magazine ranking colleges according to the promiscuity of their female students after drinking intensified Wednesday, with all institutions named in the article accusing the publication of sexism.


The article, based on an interview with a matching site organizer, gained widespread attention after prominent Japanese-British artist Sputniko! urged her Twitter followers to sign an online petition calling for the magazine to publicly apologize and recant the story.


In a similar statement, Ferris University described the ranking as “contemptuous toward women” and “deplorable.”

contemptuous 人をばかにした,軽蔑的な.

deplorable なげかわしい


A spokesperson from Jissen Women’s University confirmed that its president had issued a protest to the magazine’s publisher, Fusosha Publishing Inc., saying that the article slandered the university and its students.



Otsuma Women’s University, for its part, said it would send the publisher a protest letter on Wednesday, according to a spokesperson for the school, while Hosei University also saying it had formally objected to the article.

for one's part


The article has attracted much public attention, with critics citing it as an example of Japan’s sluggish progress in advancing gender equality and a lackadaisical attitude in society toward the objectification of women.






On the heels of a year marked by natural disasters , the Tokyo Metropolitan Government hosted a disaster drill Wednesday in Setagaya Ward to prepare foreign residents for the worst-case scenario.




 “Growing a beard is part of individual freedom, similar to choosing clothes or hairstyles,” the plaintiffs’ suit said.
